I love you, but I am not in love with you. This 11-word combination hits harder than a torpedo. If you have been on the receiving end of it, then you know what I am talking about.
You probably thought that you were done searching and had found someone who was just as into you as you were into them. All the online list-type articles on how to tell whether he or she is in love with you only supported your theories and gut feelings. Then you had this bomb dropped on you.
Well, honey, first of all, you must know that you did nothing wrong. And neither did the other person.
Confused? Not to worry!
We are here to give you an analysis and a solution to the “I Love You, But I’m Not in Love with You.”
What does it mean when someone says: I love you, but I am not in love with you?
As hard as it is to hear that the person you’re in love with doesn’t share the same feelings, remember, it’s better to know the truth than live in a lie. Wishful thinking will only get you so far, but now that you know the truth, what exactly does it mean?
There are many reasons someone you are in a relationship with may say this statement to you throughout your relationship. It is never easy to hear, but understanding the reasons may help ease the pain.
The worst-case scenario is that this sentence will lead to an inevitable break-up. While this is something you may not want to hear, what’s even worse is remaining in a relationship with someone who does not reciprocate your feelings.
But don’t worry!
That is not always the case. Sometimes, most people will say they love you, but they’re not in love with you as a way of stepping back in the relationship so that things don’t move too quickly. It is a valid way to feel and usually means your lover wants to be careful.
Another potentially positive meaning derived from this sentence is that your partner feels that the spark you had at the beginning of your relationship is gone, which is why they’re “not in love with you.” If your partner reveals this to you instead of just breaking up with you, this is a wonderful chance to grow together. Put all your focus into REALLY listening to what your partner may need more of from you and make sure they’re meeting your needs too.
Often, the sentence “I love you, but I am not in love with you” can come from someone who wants to remain friends with you. Perhaps you proclaimed your love for a dear friend, and they do love you.
they’re not IN love with you, and that is okay. In this case, they probably mean what they say; they love you as a person and friend, but the deep love ends there.
Having said this, sometimes this sentence is used to escape a relationship when the person escaping has no idea how to do it kindly. If someone is telling you that they love you, but they are not IN love with you, make sure to decipher if this is something you can work on over time or if it would be best to leave the relationship entirely.
It’s important to remember that relationships go through phases of both strong feelings of love and everyday mundane feelings.
That is how life and relationships work. So, if you feel like you love someone but are not in love with them or vice versa, try not to stress out straight away. Every single feeling passes, and chances are the feelings of being in love will ebb and flow throughout your relationship.
Don’t act on a single moment. Wait for feelings to pass through you and work from there.
In summary,
the statement “I love you, but I am not in love with you” can be a terrifying one. But it does not always mean the end. Sometimes, it can lead to the very beginning of something even better.
Now that we covered the different interpretations of the “I love you, but I’m not in love with you,” here is more about the difference between loving and being in love and how to know where you stand with someone you are interested in.
What is love?
You need to understand what love means before you jump on their neck, calling them a liar for claiming to love you. Knowing this will show you that it is possible to love someone and not be in love with them. Note that there is a difference between love and crush.
Love can be described in many different ways. It has been branded everything from warm fuzzies feelings to hard evidence actions. Below is a four-part code of respect that combines all these definitions for easier understanding.
Emotional connection

Yes, love is a warm fuzzy feeling. The emotional connection makes you happy to see and spend time with this person. It makes you long to be around them even when you just spent time together.
And guess what, this is not limited just to romantic settings. You probably feel the same way about your friends and your family.
A foundation of friendship
A good friendship basis also defines love. That means, all expectations aside, you do care for each other as good friends. You share interests and love to hang out together. You goof off together, laugh and cry together, and are pillars for one another.
That is love.
On the contrary, if you notice signs that she doesn’t care about you, don’t expect love from her.
If you are a woman, you will look for signs he is hiding his feelings for you.
More like family
Another essential defining feature of love is the real feeling of a familial connection. In a romantic setting, you and your partner may want to start a family together. In more platonic settings, these people feel as close to you as your actual family members are. So being in that girl’s friend zone might not be the worst thing. At least you know they love you.
The desire to serve and help out
Finally, true love means wanting the best for each other. It is more of an active feeling where you not only want it for them but are willing to do whatever it takes to participate. It could be anything from financial contribution to helping out with physical tasks.
Is there a difference between loving and being in love?

Now we are getting to the good stuff. What is the difference between loving someone and being in love with them? The answer is simple: physical attraction and sexual connection, having a sex life.
When someone is in love with you, they exhibit the four codes of love already highlighted above. However, what sets being in love apart from just love is that there is also an intense sexual attraction.
So when they dropped the eleven-word bomb, they meant that they do not see or want you as a sexual partner. However, this does not mean they do not love and care for you.
Get it?
The way to fall in love all over again

You should now understand the simple difference between love and being in love. It might also interest you to know that you can be in love with someone and end up falling out of love with them.
That happens when the sexual connection or one of the other four summarized definitions of love is compromised. The good news is that even if they say, “I love you, but I’m not in love with you,” there is a lot that you can do to salvage the relationship!
Here are seven tips that should come in handy when it comes to falling in love all over again.
Let go of the denial and accept that there is a problem
Accepting that many things are not as magical as they were is not something easy to take. However, fixing a problem you cannot see is even harder. So, the first step to restarting the flame you once had should always be accepting that you lost it in the first place. That way, you can learn from your mistakes and build something even stronger.
Open up about your insecurities and expectations as a couple
Insecurities have a way of taking over the psyche and poisoning our minds. Our relationships suffer the consequences as we, directly and indirectly, lash out. It stands to reason that you must address your insecurities if you wish to fall in love again.
Be generous and kind to one another
We tend to fall in love with people largely because of how they treat us. Therefore, if you want to rekindle that flame, you need to be conscious of how you treat each other. Go out of your way to be kind to her. Make deliberate efforts to be generous with everything you have, from financial resources to time and affection. Read this article to learn how to be more affectionate.
Be patient as sometimes love heals itself
If you were already in love, you know it took time to get to that magical point. You should know better than anyone else how long it takes to build something beautiful. So don’t rush it!
Take your time getting to know each other better and learning about your individual selves so that you do not end up making the same mistakes again.
Focus on meaningful gestures instead of empty grand gestures
Your partner knows you well enough to see right through your actions. So they will know when you are doing something because you think it is what you should do and not because it is what you want to.
Instead of trying to recreate every Romcom romantic climax, go for something simple yet sentimental. These meaningful gestures show that you are truly invested and want to make your partner feel special.
Reinforce good behavior and positive habits that your partner shows
Love is not only about giving and taking but also about the appreciation of the same. If your partner goes out of their way to do something nice for you, show your appreciation sincerely. That is a great way to encourage positive habits in a long term relationship that will make them more likely to stick.
Let go of the past as it will slow you down
You may have been hurt in the past, whether it was constant disappointment or gross betrayal. If you choose to give your relationship another chance and work on falling back in love, you must let it all go. Love can only grow on a clean slate. And holding on to toxic thoughts and feelings from the past will only choke it.
Knowing when to fold them
Finally, knowing that not all love can be salvaged is crucial. Sometimes, the words “I love you, but I’m not in love with you” are a death sentence for your relationship, and you might have to move on.
If all your efforts to revive the love and magic seem to have failed, it is time to pack up and let go. It will hurt for a while, but I promise – you will get over it.